[Click Here to download our whitepaper "Using Membranes for Gas Exchange." (PDF)]
Liquid Contacting Liquid contacting is the use of membrane modules and membrane contactors for the transfer of gases to and from liquids. PermSelect® membranes contactors are comprised of dense silicone membranes, without pores to clog, and which cannot leak (or "wet") as porous membranes can. Other advantages of PermSelect® silicone membranes over polypropylene micro-porous membranes are:
- UV resistance
- high temperature resistance (autoclavable)
- chemical resistance to bleach
- ozone and other oxidizing chemical resistance
- fouling-proof
This Quick Setup Guide and Detailed Guidelines illustrate how to arrange membrane modules and membrane contactors for liquid contacting applications. PermSelect® membrane modules can also be used to transfer gases and vapors between liquids in liquid-liquid membrane contacting applications. Below is a list of liquid contacting applications suitable for PermSelect® membrane modules.
- O2 removal from water
- CO2 removal from water
- Degassing pharmaceutical liquids
- Degassing low surface tension liquids
- Dehydrating and degassing transformer oil
- Degassing ultrapure water
- Degassing ink
Adding gases to liquids and vapors to gases
- Nitrogenation
- Oxygenation
- Carbonation
- Ozonation
- Media gassing in cell culture bioreactors
- Moisturizing gases/air (gas/air humidification)
- Blood oxygenation
Pervaporation Pervaporation is a membrane separation process that typically uses a vacuum to facilitate the transfer of a vaporizing compound through the PermSelect® membrane. It is most often used to separate liquids that have similar boiling points but different rates of transfer through the membrane material.
- Solvent dehydration
- Dewatering liquids and oils
- Pervaporation of Butanols
- VOC removal
Gas Separation Gas separation is accomplished by a PermSelect® membrane due to the differences among gases in their ability to permeate through the silicone membrane (not based on their molecular sizes). The driving force of the gas transfer is the gas partial pressure differential across the membrane.
- Landfill & biogas upgrading
- CO2 capture
- VOC removal
- Air/gas dehumidification (gas dehydration)
- Nitrogen-enrichment
- Oxygen-enrichment